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Artist Re-imagined What It Would Look Like If Harry Potter Characters Were More Realistic

All hail J.K Rowling!

I mean, she is the woman who brought us Harry Potter. What more could you ask for? I am sure many of us grew up with Harry Potter and we tend to jump for joy every time the Harry Potter theme comes on. No? Just me? Well, moving on….

Anyway, have you ever thought what Harry Potter characters would look like if they acted a tiny bit more realistic? Thats not to say the Harry Potter franchise is not grounded in some kind of reality. (Well, as much as it can be with flying broomsticks and screaming plants.)

Illustrations by Andy Kluthe.

#1 Well, Voldemort isn’t shown to be a kind person. 

Well, Voldemort isn't shown to be a kind person

#2 Shouldn’t the owl dropping the letter been a clue?

Shouldn't the owl dropping the letter been a clue

#3 I think it is a bit late for that.

I think it is a bit late for that

#4 This certainly makes the paintings in Harry Potter even more creepy.

This certainly makes the paintings in Harry Potter even more creepy

#5 Sorry Snape but Magic Nazi trumps all!

Sorry Snape but Magic Nazi trumps all

#6 But you had to go and make all the horcruxes actually mean something to you.

But you had to go and make all the horcruxes actually mean something to you